How to Save Energy Electricity of Air Conditioner

save energy of air conditioner

Owing to the development of science and technology, air conditioners have, slowly but steadily, become an integral part of our life. These have undergone massive changes, in terms of both features and energy-saving ways.

Nowadays, air conditioners are designed in such a way that they display SEER ratings between 13 and 21. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings are a way that you can understand how much energy your air conditioner can save.

Inverter Air Conditioners are considered to be one of the best energy saving air conditioners. If you are looking to purchase an air conditioner you should go for the best inverter Air Conditioners available in the market.

Apart from this, you can do your part and follow the tips, which are listed below, to save the energy of your air conditioner. It will not only equate to the longevity of your air conditioner but also helps to reduce your monthly electric bill.

  1. Make sure all your doors and windows are closed:

It is highly important that the particular room, which is housing the air conditioner, should be sealed properly. Windows should not have cracks and must be closed in an appropriate manner. It is better to close the doors to avoid overexertion of the air conditioner. If you have a glass window, then use blinds to cover it completely.

  1. Clean your air filters:

Cleaning your air conditioner is one of the best ways to improve its efficiency and energy-saving capabilities. Make sure that the air filters on your air conditioner are cleaned appropriately. If the air filters are allowed to collect dust, then it will interfere with the airflow and thereby, make your air conditioners use more energy.

  1. Keep your air conditioner away from sunlight:

Sunlight may be good for you but it is definitely not good for your air conditioner. No sun rays must invade the room. Block your room from sunlight using drapes, curtains, etc. Make your room as cool as possible. This helps the air conditioner cool the room much more easily.

  1. Plug off the ventilation points:

While ventilation has been a great source of fresh air, it is important to close it completely. This is because the air seeping in from the vents causes a strain on your air conditioner.

  1. Make use of the ceiling fans:

Ceiling fans provide great support to your air conditioner. These consume less electricity and do not contribute to your bill much. You can use the fans to circulate the air from the air conditioner. In this way, you can set the temperature of the air conditioner high but still feel the cool air.

  1. Lower or turn your air conditioner off at night:

At night, the temperature becomes comparatively low and you may even encounter cool breezes. Moreover, when you are asleep, you do not require that level of coolness that you need during the day. Consider turning off or at least put your air conditioner on sleep mode if it is equipped with it.

  1. Use thermostats:

The use of thermostats, especially those with timers, can help you save a lot of energy from your air conditioner. You must keep the temperature of the thermostat as high as possible. It is better to adjust the temperature of the thermostat about 8 degrees below the outside temperature.

  1. Turn off other electrical appliances:

All electrical appliances emit heat as they work. Try to turn off the electrical appliances like lights, television, etc. in the room where the air conditioner is fitted. It removes unnecessary strain from the air conditioner.

  1.  Re-organize the furniture:

You can move your furniture, and instead, keep them in places where it does not stand as a barrier to the airflow from the air conditioner. Moving them as obstructions would help to cool your room more quickly.

  1. Service your air conditioners as directed:

When you buy an air conditioner, you are told to maintain it at regular intervals. You must not delay and hire professionals as soon as possible to provide services at the intervals suggested.

  1. Make sure your home is well-insulated

One of the things that leads to massive energy consumption related to your AC unit is a poorly-insulated home. Older houses typically have insufficient insulation. Cracks are more common, and seals are more worn and weathered. To make sure the insulation in your home is up to par, have a utility provider or contractor perform a home energy audit. An energy auditor checks your house for leaks and makes recommendations to make your home more energy efficiency.

12. Replace your old AC unit

An AC unit that is more than 10 years old will probably require major repairs now and then. An air conditioner that is frequently repaired is likely to become less efficient over time. When you decide to replace it, go for an ENERGY STAR room air conditioner. It uses at least 10% less energy than most new models without the ENERGY STAR label. Or, even better, try an AC unit that also has a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER).

You can follow the above-mentioned tips to save energy and increase the life span of your air conditioner repair. These are simple but quite efficient if followed seriously. You can easily save money and enjoy the cool while the temperature soars high outside.